Oh, by the way, your actions are proving my point. In fact, your actions are carving my point into granite.***
Roughly two weeks ago, I had an unpleasant experience in the Twitterverse and blogged about it here. If you are interested, please read the post titled Not All Masks Are For Carnival. Now, the person who angered me has felt the need to respond with a post on their blog and comments on mine. Mark also felt that it was appropriate to include a link to their site in his comments without asking me first. I removed it not because I felt Mark does not have the right to respond but, because I feel that inserting a link without my permission was, in a word, rude. The author seems to be very hung up on the subject of who is right. Really, how very White Male System. Just what I wanted on my blog about my experiences.
If you are unfamiliar with the phrase, I urge you to read the book Women's Reality by Anne Wilson Schaef. The author explains the mentality of White Male System thinking far more eloquently than I could. The book is an excellent starting point for anyone interested in feminism and I have, over the course of my life, passed out more copies than I care to remember. Surprised that a woman who does what I do for a living is a feminist? It is a problem I wrestle with each and every time I work and part of what I am working out in my blog. It is also the reason I am so brutal with some of the callers. If their fantasies involve more ugly stereotypes than I can stomach at that moment, I tend to let them know it. With both barrels.
What is boils down to is that I really don't care if Mark feels that he is right. I feel that I am right. In my world view, both of us have valid perceptions of the experience we shared. I suspect that in Mark's world view, that is not possible so he has set out to prove that he is right. Okay, go for it. Refrain from putting links on my blog. I did not do so to yours. In fact, I did not make any comments on your blog. Nor do I plan to. The elderly gentlemen who inquired whether I not I charged Mark for the conversation in his comment made it clear to me that I have no desire to. I deal with enough of that attitude when I am working, thank you. Another man passing judgement about something he knows nothing about and thinking that he is cute. Ah, no. There are many words for that bit of bullshit, 'cute' is not what comes to mind. I think that the author of that comment exactly the same as the callers I speak to and I've already shared my feelings about them.
I also found another comment by Bee C rather telling about the attitudes of the people involved. Both Mark and this person feel that a transcript of the conversation was necessary. I admit, the first version of Not All Masks Are For Carnival contained just that. However, after consulting with friends and sleeping on it, I decided that to do so was childish and unnecessary. I felt then as I feel now; my perception of the experience is valid because it is mine. As I stated in my reply to Bee C, writing an unasked for critique and posting it in a public forum does require you to read the fucking material. In the case of a blog, at least solid sampling of the material since most people will not have the time to read the entire thing. I am also not asking the Internet community at large to pass judgement on that experience which is why I chose not to include a transcript or list Masquerade Crew by name. I was blogging about my experiences, not inviting debate concerning the validity of my perceptions. The fact that Bee C chose to interpret my posting that way is ...interesting, to say the least.
I chose to write about my experiences as a PSO to help me process them and to share with others some of the amazingly stupid stereotypes I have smacked myself into because of it. I am not just talking about the callers. Conscientious people ask questions before passing judgement on what I do and what I write about.
And then there is the rest of the world.
***And here is the original post***
Something very unsettling happened to me the other day. I am on Twitter (@Wickedjulia if you would care to say hello) and I have noticed that the vast majority of what goes on at that site is Shameless Self Promotion. Celebrities promote the movies and television shows they are involved in, authors promote their books and other writing projects, politicians abound, and everyone seems to promote their favorite charities and causes. For an information junkie like me, it is Sin City. I joined Twitter after reading an article on indie publishing that encourages writers to promote their own works and, bloody hell, that article was right. So I started taking baby steps in promoting my blog.
Nothing big, mind you. I have been simply tweeting to my followers that there is a new entry (when there is one) and asking them to read it. No phony reviews, no teaser sentences, just 'read my blog'. One of the things that I find both amusing and annoying is how many people promote their own work with a "I'll follow you if you follow me" strategy. At a certain level, it makes sense and is fair when they actually follow through on that. Most do, temporarily; they follow for a bit and then disappear, so while one is essentially promoting the other by reading and possibly retweeting to their own followers any witticisms they find amusing, the other is doing nothing. Which seems to be the culture of Twitter.
I decided to be a little more aggressive with my own Shameless Self Promotion. After all, I have just as much right as anyone else, to try to showcase my writing. And I want feedback, goddammit. I want constructive criticism, o' friends of mine who read my blog and have nothing put in a comment but, will discuss the subject in person. You know who you are. No brownies for you until I get more comments. (Like I'm actually going to follow through on that but, hey, it sounds like a credible threat.) So when one of the 'people' I follow tweeted a promise to 'read yours if you read mine', I, jokingly, responded that I had been reading theirs and asked them if they had taken a look at mine. I wasn't really expecting a response through Twitter.
Less than two minutes later, I got a fucking critique I didn't ask for through a social media forum. The woman assumed that my lack of graphics was a conscious choice (it's not) and proclaimed the subject matter to not be her cup of tea. At the end of that two sentence critique, she added that she would retweet my blog to her followers. At this point, I am in shock, as I often am when someone I do not know is unconscionably rude to me. Giving an unasked for criticism of my blog on Twitter struck me as more than a little trashy and, by the amount of time that had passed, I knew damn well that she had not read anything. Wait, it gets better. A second later, a mass tweet appears with my description of my blog pasted in it and an invitation to her followers to read if they are into that sort of thing. Have you ever heard the phrase 'damning with faint praise'?
I sat there for a moment, rendered utterly speechless by the crude and blatant dismissal I have just received before I take several deep breaths and draft a civil response. I state that I find her attitude unfortunate (while thinking it is revoltingly classist and narrow-minded) and add that I enjoy reading about the lives of other people a great deal. She lets me know that she doesn't enjoy reading things with an overtly erotic theme. My thought in response is; Lady, have you actually read some of the romance stories you peddle on your site? I have used a few of them as inspiration for work for the purpose of talking to pervs.
However, I am still struggling with desire to be polite so I advise her to read the first entry where I, rather tongue-in-cheek, explain the purpose of my blog without any explicit sexual descriptions. I do not point out that the last two entries also lack anything sexually explicit. She would know that if she had actually bothered to read instead of just glance around when she went to my site. Which she, oh so obviously, didn't out of the assumption that I write porn and her eyeballs would melt if she were exposed to that subject matter. My very first entry makes it quite clear that I am not advertising my services as a PSO, I am talking about my experiences in an industry that cloaks itself in fantasy to promote its services. There are fake blogs out there, written to advertise the services of independent PSOs and, they are porn. I refer to them as fucktress sites because the first one I saw started with the sentence "I am a 52 year old professional fucktress and I love..." and we can stop there. You get the idea.
The truth is, I don't like the overtly explicit stuff either. I have to listen to callers fabricate their fascinating, (and plagiarized) sexual histories in that language when I am working and after that, I am done. I am a good enough PSO to not have to talk about my characters with that kind of language and most callers actually enjoy innuendo over Extreme Slut Mode. In fact, I was speaking with one of the trainers last night about a schedule adjustment and she brought up the frustration she feels when new PSOs engage in that behavior. The problem with that technique is that not only does it guarantee short calls for the PSO using it, Extreme Slut Mode also conditions the callers to expect that sort of over the top, graphic porn storytelling right at the beginning of a call. If the callers run into a PSO who takes the time to tailor a fantasy just for them or entertains them by showing her knowledge in another subject they are passionate about, pervs conditioned by PSOs who use Extreme Slut Mode get frustrated and verbally abusive. They have been trained to expect to 'get happy' (as one friend describes it) within a couple of minutes by neophyte PSOs and they like it because it saves them money. Whining about the cost of phone sex is a really common way for pervs to encourage a PSO to 'get to the good part' faster. Another one is telling the PSO that they just got cut off from the other PSO they had been talking to and she's not available and he's so close and could the PSO he is now speaking to just help him out....Yeah, I fell for that one. Once. At the beginning, when I was still thinking about being a PSO as similar to customer service. I learned very quickly that it is not.
See what I did there? I described a facet of the industry while discussing another subject to, hopefully, illustrate my point. I admit I do that a lot. The woman I have been tweeting with informs me that she has read my first entry (liar) and basically demands that I point her to the one non-existent post that discusses the industry without anything that might scorch her delicate soul. I try to explain that the industry doesn't work that way, its not like anyone emailed me a manual titled How We Lie To Callers 101. I had to figure this out on my own, for the most part, and am talking about it here. And how frustrating it is, and silly, and stupid.... Alas, Twitter is not conducive to lengthy explanations and she loses patience or decides that she has proven her point about the content of my blog and stops communicating with me.
The last thing I sent her was a direct message because, unlike some, I feel that it is inappropriate to point out a person's less than stellar behavior in public. I tell her that I found her snap judgement of me disappointing and hurtful. I do not mention, in this last tweet, how insulted I am. I assume (and perhaps I shouldn't) that she is smart enough to get that. I have been in a position when I was required to pass judgement on another's artistic output. I was a sculptor before an injury forced me to relegate my passion to a hobby. I once took a class taught by a famous bronze sculptor who insisted that I help with project reviews because I was the only other working artist in a room full of students. I remember the painful diplomacy I used when dealing with those young artists. I had no desire to insult them or the subject they were trying to communicate through their work. I wanted to provide those artists with an honest critique that would help them develop their skills. At the same time, I wanted to let the 'easy A' students know that I was on to their tricks and they were no longer in high school. Art, in any media, is bloody hard work and no one has a right to dismiss that effort without even looking at it.
In other words, Madam, not only have you failed as a promoter of art in the form of writing, you have failed as a human being.
The truth is, I don't like the overtly explicit stuff either. I have to listen to callers fabricate their fascinating, (and plagiarized) sexual histories in that language when I am working and after that, I am done. I am a good enough PSO to not have to talk about my characters with that kind of language and most callers actually enjoy innuendo over Extreme Slut Mode. In fact, I was speaking with one of the trainers last night about a schedule adjustment and she brought up the frustration she feels when new PSOs engage in that behavior. The problem with that technique is that not only does it guarantee short calls for the PSO using it, Extreme Slut Mode also conditions the callers to expect that sort of over the top, graphic porn storytelling right at the beginning of a call. If the callers run into a PSO who takes the time to tailor a fantasy just for them or entertains them by showing her knowledge in another subject they are passionate about, pervs conditioned by PSOs who use Extreme Slut Mode get frustrated and verbally abusive. They have been trained to expect to 'get happy' (as one friend describes it) within a couple of minutes by neophyte PSOs and they like it because it saves them money. Whining about the cost of phone sex is a really common way for pervs to encourage a PSO to 'get to the good part' faster. Another one is telling the PSO that they just got cut off from the other PSO they had been talking to and she's not available and he's so close and could the PSO he is now speaking to just help him out....Yeah, I fell for that one. Once. At the beginning, when I was still thinking about being a PSO as similar to customer service. I learned very quickly that it is not.
See what I did there? I described a facet of the industry while discussing another subject to, hopefully, illustrate my point. I admit I do that a lot. The woman I have been tweeting with informs me that she has read my first entry (liar) and basically demands that I point her to the one non-existent post that discusses the industry without anything that might scorch her delicate soul. I try to explain that the industry doesn't work that way, its not like anyone emailed me a manual titled How We Lie To Callers 101. I had to figure this out on my own, for the most part, and am talking about it here. And how frustrating it is, and silly, and stupid.... Alas, Twitter is not conducive to lengthy explanations and she loses patience or decides that she has proven her point about the content of my blog and stops communicating with me.
The last thing I sent her was a direct message because, unlike some, I feel that it is inappropriate to point out a person's less than stellar behavior in public. I tell her that I found her snap judgement of me disappointing and hurtful. I do not mention, in this last tweet, how insulted I am. I assume (and perhaps I shouldn't) that she is smart enough to get that. I have been in a position when I was required to pass judgement on another's artistic output. I was a sculptor before an injury forced me to relegate my passion to a hobby. I once took a class taught by a famous bronze sculptor who insisted that I help with project reviews because I was the only other working artist in a room full of students. I remember the painful diplomacy I used when dealing with those young artists. I had no desire to insult them or the subject they were trying to communicate through their work. I wanted to provide those artists with an honest critique that would help them develop their skills. At the same time, I wanted to let the 'easy A' students know that I was on to their tricks and they were no longer in high school. Art, in any media, is bloody hard work and no one has a right to dismiss that effort without even looking at it.
In other words, Madam, not only have you failed as a promoter of art in the form of writing, you have failed as a human being.